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Catch me on my cell at 347 416 2749 or shoot me an electronic mail at

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...or ask around

(don't worry, I did it for you).


"Emma was a joy to have on the team. Very focused, committed and clearly talented, she added to both our capability and our culture. Hope to connect again with her in the future."

-Brian Vella, CEO, AKQA Australia


"The first thing I look for is a mind at work. And Emma has a terrific mind. Fertile. Inquisitive. Intuitive. A big brain inside that head. With an energy reserved only for people who can solve any problem that comes their way. That’s what creativity is all about in the 21st century."
- Rose Herceg, Chief Strategy Officer, WPP Australia

"Emma taught me how to properly use punctuation. My wife is grateful for this."
- Mikey Ford, Creative Director of Tech, Ogilvy Sydney (former CD)

"Emma is a super talented copywriter. Quick off the mark, takes direction really well and always wants to improve her skills as a creative and a writer."
- Jerker Fagerstrom, ECD, McCann Sydney (former ECD)


"Emma has been a regular on the pointy end of the creative pitchfork, helping us to some big wins on some of Australia’s best-loved brands. I’m not exaggerating when I say were it not for Emma’s boundless enthusiasm, unwavering dedication, and ability to think laterally, our pitch win rate might not be so favourable."

- Chris Ellis, CD, Cummins&Partners Melbourne